Document Links
6.2.2_IQAC Meeting Minutes.pdf_
6.2.2_Plans and Policies
6_2_2 NOTICES- HOD meetings.pdf
6_2_2_ Recruitment list of Teaching and Non- Teaching staff.pdf
6_2_2_Academic Calendar 2023-2024.pdf
6_2_2_Anti Ragging Policy.pdf
6_2_2_Anti sexual harrasment HCCA Policy Document-Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_Career and placement-Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_Faculty meeting minutes.pdf
6_2_2_Grievance Redressal Policy.pdf
6_2_2_HoD meeting minutes.pdf
6_2_2_Human Resource Development Policy.pdf
6_2_2_IQAC Composition2022-2023.pdf
6_2_2_Leave Rules-Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_NEP MEETING MINUTES HoDs 27-Sep-2024 13-46-22.pdf
6_2_2_Notice NEP Meeting.pdf
6_2_2_Policy for Mentoring.pdf
6_2_2_Promotion list.pdf
6_2_2_Research and Development Policy6_2_2_Research and Development Policy.pdf
6_2_2_Reservation Policy.pdf
6_2_2_Service Rules of Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_Writeup 2 1.pdf
6_2_2_Writeup 2.docx
6_2_2_divyangjan policy -Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_examination manual policy-Holy Cross College.pdf
6_2_2_faculty recruitment advertisement and application form.pdf
6_2_2_policy for internal examination related grievances.pdf